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Quality Assurance

Confidence in Quality

Never before has there been such an industry wide focus, rightly so, on product quality, substandard product mitigation/elimination and avoidance of counterfeit materials. A secure supply chain is the backbone of any production site and Stack has long employed strict and effective quality control measures, driven by senior management’s unwavering commitment, to address this industry concern. Key aspects of the Stack Quality Assurance program include:

Certification to ISO-9001-2015 with in process certification to AS9120

Rigid incoming inspection procedures compliant with the IDEA-QMS-9090 Quality Standard.

Inspection and quality control documentation with site management accountability.

Solutions Driven by Experience

Unmatched Sourcing Capabilities

Careful / Comprehensive / Strict supplier vetting, due diligence, and supplier selection including key partnerships with the industry’s leading component manufacturers.

World Class Quality Control

In house inspection capability and partnerships/investments with the industry’s leading global accredited test facilities.

A Picture is Worth...

Photo archive system for all components which links directly to traceability capability. Stack sources products predominately through factory channels. Stack utilizes only highly vetted, long time, open market suppliers with a 100% quality track record when factory channels are unable to support.

Performance Focused

Commitment to continuous improvement including tracking of supplier performance metrics with designated goals linked to quality, shipment correctness and on time shipment performance/execution.